Rick Shaddock and His Excellency Mario Canahuati
Ambassador of Honduras to the United States |
El Presidente of Honduras
Ricardo Maduro
and La Primera Dama
Aguas Ocaņa de
Maduro |
Rick Shaddock & Mick Jagger |
Contractor at the Pentagon |
with His Excellency Dr. Jaime Daremblum
Ambassador of Costa Rica to the United States |
with His Excellency Tigran S. Seiranian
Consul of The Embassy of Armenia |
The Honorable Judge David Mason
Congratulates Rick for contributions to
The Enlightened
Sentencing Project |
Dr. Herbert Benson, Harvard Medical School
Course participant Shaddock
Relaxation Response |
Rick on Colgate University Diving Team |
Eagle Scout presented
by father and mother |
Colgate University Wrestling Team |